Author, advocate, spoken-word poet and speaker, Carrie Bailee is transforming the way the ‘victim story’ is told. By giving voice to her lived experience of trauma and abuse, Carrie provides hope, humour, honesty and inspiration through her writing, her speaking and her performing. By coming forward with her story, she is helping others step out of their shame and isolation and back into living a life with passion and purpose.

Shedding light on a fight nobody wishes to know about...
SOLD. She was nine years old.
Carrie Bailee fled Canada and came to Australia when she was twenty. Once here she was assisted by a number of Australian women, and was ultimately encouraged to apply for refugee status in order to stay in this country. So began her battle to be granted asylum in Australia. Carrie stood before the Refugee Review Tribunal and revealed the dark underbelly of child sexual abuse and organised crime rings in our privileged, first-world neighbourhoods. This is the story of one young woman’s heroic journey to survive, escape and soar above her shocking childhood experiences, and her powerful struggle for freedom and a beautiful life in Australia
‘Moving, inspirational … Unforgettable! A compelling story of hope. I urge you to read this book.’ – Sigrid Thornton
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because we all know that evil thrives in darkness.
Watch Carrie Bailee’s powerful spoken-word piece entitled SOLD.
She courageously recounts the dark memories of her childhood, but more importantly, focuses on her inspiring escape and desire to help others in similar situations rise up. Violence against women and children has become an epidemic of global proportion and continues to rise. With a beautifully poignant and inspiring style, Bailee unashamedly pulls back the curtain on a hidden and often silenced world of abuse.
Hope is the gift inside us all that catches us
each time we fall.
I just want to say the biggest thank you to you, for coming to talk to us today at Sacré Cœur. It was the most inspiring speech I have ever heard.
Carrie Bailee's message of vulnerability, courage & hope is incredibly inspiring and she somehow manages to weave humour into one of the most confronting topics. Child safety is such an important part of education and she tackles it head on.
Thank you for breaking your silence and by this you are sending your message of inspiration to every sould who ever believed they were too broken to fly.
By injecting empathy into the veins of humanity,
let's combat apathy, our conditioned insanity.
It is imperative young women recovering from sexual trauma have access to specialised support and services.
The Project targets young women aged 12 – 25 years old vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation. A community based open-door centre with ‘wrap-around’ flexible outreach support and community services. We provide a safe place for young women to partake in group work initiatives.